Local Jewish Education and Culture 

  • Community-wide Jewish Education and Cultural Programs for all ages including the  Jewish Film Festival, Jewish author events, Out & About Films, Israel celebration, day trips, Israeli folk dancing, PJ Library & TRIBE, a young adult group.
  • L’CHAYIM published monthly to keep the Jewish community informed about local,  national & international Jewish issues. Advertising opportunities for local businesses.
  • New CRC-Community Relations Council to address issues of anti-Semitism and Interfaith Relations. 
  • Israel Advocacy and Initiatives to strengthen local Jewish community ties with Israel. Holocaust education for middle and high school students in the community and a college campus Jewish life experience committee.
  • Volunteer opportunities for all ages.



  • Funding to the Jewish Agency for Israel and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) for full-spectrum social services to Israel and Jewish communities in 60+  countries around the world.
  • Partnership 2Gether relationship with the Hadera-Eiron Region in Israel.


Jewish Community Foundation 

  • An endowment that ensures future social and educational programming and support for our community.
  • Needs-based college scholarships and study scholarships in Israel.
  • Jewish summer camp scholarships.


Local Seniors Services 

  • Lunch Bunch, a monthly gathering with a free lunch for older adults to meet and schmooze.
  • Holiday baskets and teen visits to seniors and senior facilities for Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah and Passover.
  • Holocaust survivor outreach.


Local Social Services 

  • Non-sectarian, individual and family outreach, information and referral services.
  • South Fort Myers United Way House.


Local Emergency Services

  • Food Pantry and gift cards.
  • Emergency financial assistance grants to families and individuals in crisis.
  • Local disaster outreach and assistance.

Israeli Folk Dancing

Jewish Social Club
Read the Book; Skype the Author
Mah Jongg
Holiday Senior Visits

Holocaust Memorial Services
Jewish Film Festival
Community Breakfast
Major Gifts-Pacesetters  Reception
Federation Hits the Road

Lion of Judah Reception
Women's Day


Annual Meeting

Men's Division