Jewish Family Services

exsists to fulfill one of the most important Jewish values: Tikkum Olam, the obligation to make the world a better place.

Jewish Family Services believes in strengthening the community by providing vital services to those in need. Jewish Family Services, a non-sectarian, non-profit human service division of the Jewish Federation, strives to enhance the well-being of those in need throughout Lee & Charlotte Counties.

Together we can make a difference!

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Our Services & Programs

Local Seniors Services

* Lunch Bunch, a monthly gathering with a free lunch for older adults to meet and schmooze.
* Holiday baskets and teen visits to seniors and senior facilities for Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah and Passover.
* Holocaust survivor outreach.

Local Social Services

* Non-sectarian, individual and family outreach, information and referral services.

Local Emergency Assistance

* Food Pantry and gift cards.
* Open Wednesday & Thursday (9AM-3PM)
* Emergency financial assistance grants to families and individuals in crisis.
* Local disaster outreach and assistance.

Marcia Can Help

A fund of the Jewish Federation and Jewish Family Services, Marcia Can Help provides for emergency nutritional needs through our Food Pantry, gift card distribution, and crisis grants to prevent utility cut-offs, evictions, loss of transportation and other essential services without which none of us can live.

Friendly Visitor Program

The Friendly Visitor Program provides meaningful connections between isolated seniors and caring volunteers. A simple conversation can make all the difference to someone.

For more information, contact Monica Wildonger at 481.4449 ext. 2 or

Jewish Nurse Advocacy Program

Are you a nurse? Are you interested in volunteering? Help us serve the Jewish community by discussing health needs, medications, disease prevention & wellness.
Faith Community Nursing Offers: Health Counselors, Educators, Advocates, Liaisons, Trainers & Healers.

For information on what services we offer, at no cost, contact Monica Wildonger at 239.481.4449 x2 or

  • Jewish Nurse Advocacy Program

    Are you a nurse? Are you interested in volunteering? Help us serve the Jewish community by discussing health needs, medications, disease prevention & wellness.

    Faith Community Nursing Offers: Health Counselors, Educators, Advocates, Liaisons, Trainers & Healers.

    For information on what services we offer, at no cost, contact Monica Wildonger at 239.481.4449 x2 or

For more information on our services, contact Tali Gomel, Life Enrichment Coordinator at 239.481.4449 ext. 1 or