The Joseph Horowitz Israel Travel Grant


The Joseph Horowitz Israel Travel Grant is available through the Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties. The grant may be used for travel to Israel to participate in programs that are volunteer or  educational in nature. Our hope is that these programs will enhance Jewish knowledge and  identity in preparation for participation in American Jewish life. This grant is for Jewish residents of either county who are 25 years old or younger and can demonstrate a financial need. Academic standing and community involvement may also be considered.  more information


Educational Scholarship Program


The Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties offers scholarships through this Morton Levine Youth Endowment Fund to Jewish residents who are pursuing post-secondary education.  Recipients must be under 30 years of age and priority will be given to full time students.


FALL 2024 Educational Scholarship NOW CLOSED


Summer Jewish Overnight Camp Scholarship


The Jewish Federation of Lee & Charlotte Counties overnight camp scholarship program helps families with elementary and middle school children with the cost of tuition for regional Jewish overnight camps.


SUMMER 2024 Overnight Camp Scholarship applications now avaliable. For more information, contact Debbie Sanford at NOW CLOSED


For more information, contact Lori Ramos at 239.481.4449 ext. 5 or